
On elicitable risk measures
Fabio Bellini (Department of Statistics and Quantitative Methods, Italy)
Joint work with Valeria Bignozzi

Wednesday June 4, 16:00-16:30 | session P4 | Poster session | room lobby

A statistical functional is elicitable if it can be defined as the minimizer of a suitable expected scoring function (see Gneiting 2011, Ziegel 2013, and the references therein). With financial applications in view, we suggest a slightly more restrictive definition than Gneiting (2011), and we derive several necessary conditions. For monetary risk measures, we show that elicitability leads to a subclass of the shortfall risk measures introduced by Foellmer and Schied (2002). In the coherent case, we show that the only elicitable risk measures are the expectiles. Further, we provide an alternative proof of the result in Ziegel (2013) that the only coherent comonotone elicitable risk measure is the expected loss. A preliminary version of the paper can be downloaded on SSRN: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2334746